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April 27, 2006



I just finished reading all 10+ volumes of Transmetropolitan, written by Warren Ellis with art by Darick Robertson and Rodney Ramos, and I would honestly have to rank it as one of the best comics I have read.

I probably haven't bought (or read) any comics other than translated manga in 15 years or so, but I came across this post in BoingBoing. Maybe it was the graphic in the post, or maybe it was the phrase "I choose not to release the throatfucking hounds of hell..." from Warren Ellis, that got my attention. Either way I read the scanned chapter and was interested enough.

The same day I take one of my occasional lunchtime walks to Million Year Picnic to see if any of the usual stuff I read showed up. Of course, by the time I get there I have completely forgotten the title of the comic, and have a vague recollection of the author's name. Saying that I am looking for a comic by Warren Ellis who I have only just heard of gives the guy at the counter the sense that I have just crawled out of a cave... fortunately I can describe the chapter I read and he knows it and has it out in 30 seconds. I bought the first two volumes. If I had known just how fast I was about to consume it all I probably would have bought all eleven (1-10 + 0) at a time and tried to hit them up for a discount.

Anyways, amazing stuff.

Posted by delgado at 10:47 PM