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May 14, 2006

Nothing going on here, move on...

Oddly enough, when things are going on in life I fid myself far too busy to even think about working on my website, yet when things are quiet you don't have much to write about.

Life right now is in a wierd combination of the two: terribly busy in general, but not a whole lot going on. Or at least it seems this way. This is as likely due to the prolonged stretch of rainy weather that we have had here... I haven't seen any sunshine for a week and a half and the extended forecast doesn't offer much hope.

I have been able to set a bit of time aside though now and then and worked on my Triumph Speed Triple website, Speed Three. This evening, for example, I have started work on the "bits" section, a page well needed to help me retain the dribs and drabs of info I come across about bike accessories.

Posted by delgado at May 14, 2006 9:40 PM